
Monday, October 25, 2010

17 Months

Just a picture update!

Practicing for Halloween

Dylan is going to be Franklin the Turtle for Halloween, he loves turtles. He was so excited when I took the Turtle out of the box, not so excited to put it on. We have been playing with the costume since it came in the mail so he would wear it on Halloween night and so far he does good when we put it on. Keeping my fingers crossed for Trick-or-Treating!!

Going to My first B-Day party

Dylan went as a guest to his first birthday party at the skating rink. He slept for the first hour or so which gave mommy time to skate which was alot harder than I remember. When he woke up I tried to put the training skates on him, he was not having any of that. He did however love the games on some of the ride on cars and trucks.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mothers Day Out

Sponge Bob lunch box

Breakfast before school

A little late, but here it goes. Dylan started Mothers Day Out this year. He was excited the first day, until mommy left. Mrs. Kellie said he did not cry very long. He is getting better and better each day he goes and really likes his teacher. This past week was picture day, of course I was so excited and picked the perfect outfit gave him a good bath and made sure his hair was just right. I got there to pick him up and Mrs Kellie said, he was good all day, the only time he cried was when we tried to take his picture. Oh well at least we will be able to look back on it and laugh.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


We took dylan to the Big Backyard yesterday, and had alot of fun. He walked almost the whole time by his self. He is getting so big and independent.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sidewalk Chalk

This weekend Dylan discovered sidewalk chalk and loved it. Of course he got it all over his self, but thats OK. They just paved our neighborhood so we will have to get some this weekend for him to play with.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Texas Vacation

On the ride down.

We went to Texas for vacation this year,to see my niece graduate from high school. We had a really great time. It was a busy week!! Friday we got there Dylan was running a fever and ended up having double ear infections. Saturday we had a little party to celebrate the graduation, Sunday was graduation, Monday we did some sight seeing while my parents were still in town, Tuesday we went shopping, Wednesday we went to the zoo, Thursday we shopped some more, and Friday was a long 8 hour drive home. It was a great well needed vacation, but we were ready to come home.

Graduation Day

Sight seeing and shopping at Cabellas

Took Dylan to the stock yards in Forth Worth to
see the cows and he slept the whole time we were

The Forth Worth Zoo

Dylan got to ride a merry go round for the first time and loved it!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Surgey Day

Dylan had to have a circumsion revision today, things went great! The Dr said the results were better than she expected. He got to pick a toy from the bunny tunnel and even gave the nurse a kiss. The recovery room makes sad, because he just is so sad and doesn't understand why he feels so bad. We came home and he ate a great lunch, and we took a good nap. He is still feeling crummy and just wants to be held and watch moose and zee from nick jr on mommys phone. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes this morning.

Small story about the pic of him napping. In his hand is a bolder that came with his little people dump truck. Going on 2 days now we have not let go of the bolder. It naps, eats, takes a bath, and even went to surgery with us. We can't figure out what it is but he loves this bolder. Kids are too funny!!!