
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Surgey Day

Dylan had to have a circumsion revision today, things went great! The Dr said the results were better than she expected. He got to pick a toy from the bunny tunnel and even gave the nurse a kiss. The recovery room makes sad, because he just is so sad and doesn't understand why he feels so bad. We came home and he ate a great lunch, and we took a good nap. He is still feeling crummy and just wants to be held and watch moose and zee from nick jr on mommys phone. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes this morning.

Small story about the pic of him napping. In his hand is a bolder that came with his little people dump truck. Going on 2 days now we have not let go of the bolder. It naps, eats, takes a bath, and even went to surgery with us. We can't figure out what it is but he loves this bolder. Kids are too funny!!!